Steppingley Parish Council meets six times a year - January, March, May (annual meetings), July, September and November. Meetings are open to the public and are held in the Village Hall, Rectory Road and start at 7.30 pm.
Hugh Jackson
Responsibility: Planning
Pauline Henninger
Vice Chair
Responsibility: Communications
Melissa Jordan
Responsibilities: Steppingley Profile+ SVA
Marcus Webb
Responsibilities: Recreation
Chris Wood
Responsibility: Highways
Lionel Yarde
Responsibilities: Footpaths, P3, Hedges,
Tree Warden, Conservation
Keith Herring
Responsibility: Finance
Central Bedfordshire Councillors
Ian Adams - ian.adams@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Gareth Mackey - gareth.mackey@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Heather Townsend - heather.townsend@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk